An uncommon but extraordinarily stunning warbler when seen! On 4/26, this male did not disappoint. He appeared less than 15′ from me at first, and then worked its way along the edge of the bluff, feeding on midges. He first showed along the path, just north of the trail, that runs east of the archery range. He continued north, along the thickest part of the trail. I watched him for several minutes and then as fast as he appeared, he was gone! I don’t think anyone else saw him the rest of that evening. Photos below are from Tuesday 4/26. Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Prothonotary Warbler at Warnimont Park”

  1. These are great photos and helped me understand that the prothonotary has a large beak for a warbler.

  2. Thank you Pam! Yes, a larger bill and dark eyes. Also has darker wings. Usually found foraging around water, however during migration can be found anywhere, like along a bluff at Warnimont Park! 😉

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