This is a huge post with a lot of photos. I have created a timeline of events for this last week of Aurora sightings. Some photos may look identical, but they are all different and at least 8-20 second exposures of the sky. I might have included 4 or more of the same scenes, just to show how the Auroras move around. It was truly amazing, and I hope you enjoy it!

Last week Thursday-Saturday (10/3-10/5) was predicted to be very good for the auroras. They never came and storm chasers were left with nothing, but funny memes about why they went missing. I even went to Wisconsin Dells on Saturday. I figured it would be a beautiful day up there and then be really good for the northern lights at night. While it was an awesome day in the Dells, it was quiet at night. I did, however, find a very cool view of a lake while scouting for some good Aurora viewing spots. It was off Hwy 12 and the lighting was just perfect.

Saturday Afternoon (10/5), Hwy 12, Wisconsin Dells

Sunday Night 10/7/24 – peak activity was G2/KP6

Sunday Night 10/6, Grant Beach 7:30pm-8:20pm (G1/KP5)

On Sunday night while getting ready for the last football game of the day, I got a “yellow alert” for the Auroras. That doesn’t usually mean too much for me, due to being in Southern Wisconsin. However, 5 minutes later I got an “orange alert” for them. I knew something was going on with those two being so close together. I decided I would head down to Grant Park and check it out. Grant Park isn’t the greatest for viewing them, but it does stick out in the lake farther than the city of Milwaukee. This allows for some viewing of the north sky without city light pollution. While walking out the door, I got a “red alert” and I knew it could be rather good. When I got to Grant Beach, it was kind of busy for a Sunday night at 7:30pm. There were several cars sitting in the parking lot with lights shining onto the beach. I will never understand that, but to each their own! I set up my tripod down by the water and took a few pictures of the north sky. There was very faint color, and I wasn’t sure if it would be very good there or not. I decided to head west and try to get away from the city lights, for some better viewing.

Sunday Night 10/6, Ryan Park 8:55pm-9:05pm (G1/KP5)

I stopped by Ryan Park in Pewaukee, as I heard that was decent in prior events. The angle of viewing was off for me, so I drove further west.

Sunday Night 10/6, Treasure Island Dr, Pine Lake 9:43pm-9:53pm (G2/KP6)

I ended up on Treasure Island Dr, the entrance onto Pine Lake, in Hartland. There was a corn field on the north side and thought that might make for some cool photos. As soon as I got out of the truck and hopped up into the bed, I could already see some faint greens in the sky. Once I got setup and took a few photos, I could definitely see colors. Within 5 minutes, red pillars started forming and showing off very nicely. This only lasted for less than 20 minutes, but it was pretty awesome! I thought these photos turned out rather cool, with the red coming out of the “pot” on the Big Dipper. This little event turned out to be a G2 storm with a KP6 rating.

Sunday Night 10/6, Beaver Lake 10:30pm-11pm (G1/KP5)

I ended up staying out until 11pm or so, checking a few other spots along the way. The Auroras never really showed themselves again, staying quite faint the rest of the night.

Monday Night 10/7/24 – peak activity was G3/KP7

Monday Night 10/7, 7:45-9:18pm (G1/KP5)

After Sunday nights little event, I saw that there was potential for the Auroras on Monday night as well. I opened up Google maps and turned on satellite view, to look for places out that west that could be a good area to view the Auroras. I have a light pollution map that I use and compare to Google maps. I saw an open field on Hwy B, just east of the Hwy F exit, on the west side of Oconomowoc. I got out there just before sunset. The area was wide open like I thought, and even had a tree in the foreground to give my future photos some depth. So, I setup my camera and tripod and waited. While driving out there, I had received a red alert, meaning the Auroras were going to be active. I had a feeling it would be pretty decent as soon as it got dark. Once the sun set, I started taking a few 13 second exposure photos. I could see a green arc across the entire northern sky, real low to the horizon. This is the first time I had ever seen anything like that. I decided to move around to a few other places, while waiting for the Auroras to do something. I was trying to find some other “cool” viewing points.

Monday Night 10/7, 9:18pm-9:34pm (G3/KP7)

While driving to my last spot, I noticed the green lights were getting brighter. As soon as I parked, I got out and saw the red pillars starting to form. I was moving as fast as I could to get camera set up. As soon as I got set up, the green arc blew up with green and red pillars! The photos below show the progression of it. The way it happened and how fast it happened, was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was truly incredible! The colors were so spectacular and bright, even to the naked eye.

Monday Night 9:53pm – 11:43pm (G2/KP6)

After the that green arc blew up into a full Aurora display and then calmed down, I decided to move around again, in hopes of finding a couple of other spots. I found a bridge that was somewhat east to west and sat there for a while. There was slight fog over the river, and it was a cool view, but there were 2 light sources in the distance that I didn’t like. I decided to head back to my original spot, and just hang out. In the first several photos, you can see the green lights just moving around. They were mostly coming and going, sometimes trying to burst up into a pillar, but not quite. Of course, seeing the greens of the Auroras is amazing in itself, but when you know all the other colors are ready to shine through at any time, it gets exciting to see them. In the last several photos, the Auroras formed a green arc again. This happened around 11pm. It started out faintly forming and then it was a very obvious arc from NE to NW just over the horizon. It turned very green and was so bright and dense you could barely see the stars behind it.

Monday Night 11:43pm-11:53pm (G3/KP7)

At 11:50pm, the green arc blew up, again! It started with a few faint, red pillars, and then turned into an all-out green and red pillar show! It was even better than the event from a couple hours earlier! You could see everything with the naked eye, so bright and vivid. The reds in the sky were so amazing! It was spread over the entire northern horizon from NE to NW. The photos below will show the progression of the event.

Monday Night/Tuesday Morning 11:53-11:56pm (G3/KP7)

These 3 photos are of the entire northern skyline. The green arc turned into green, pink, and red pillars at this time. It was truly spectacular!!!

Monday Night/Tuesday Morning 11:56pm-12:30am (G3/KP7)

The Auroras were on full display for almost 40 minutes. There were pillars coming and going, the lights were “dancing” and there were waves underneath the arc. To me, this display was better than the May 11th mega geomagnetic storm (G5/KP9), due to it being concentrated on just the northern sky. Words can’t even explain what I witnessed this night, and hopefully, the photos below will show just that.

This was truly an epic night with such amazing views of the Auroras, one I will not forget! I hope you enjoyed the timeline breakdown for the two nights of amazing Auroras!

Thursday Night 10/10/24 – peak activity was G4/KP8-9

I already saw the Auroras twice this week and then heard that Thursday could be another epic night of them. The X-Flare the sun shot off, was large and had very strong CMEs with it. This X-Flare was fast moving and actually hit Earth at 10:24am CST Thursday Morning. It was predicted to be in the afternoon, so I was a little worried that we wouldn’t see much. Within an hour of it hitting Earth, it was already a G4/KP8 mega storm for Europe! Now, the only question was, would it last? I went back out to my spot on the west side of Oconomowoc. I was there just before sunset, and I could already see slight colors as it was going down.

Thursday Night (10/10) 7:15pm-8:52pm (G3/KP7)

Just past 7pm, it was pretty dark already and the reds and pinks were showing faintly in the northern sky. By 7:15pm the red and pink pillars were quite visible and by 7:25pm the greens were really moving in. New to me in this event were the green lights shooting out vs shooting up! Also, there was something eerie with the sky, almost like a haze or maybe wildfire smoke. The Moon was at 50% illumination that night, but it wasn’t super bright, that it would be affecting the Auroras, that much. The stars weren’t even really bright and crisp either. It’s certainly possible that it was just the strength of the Auroras creating that effect. Since this was a huge event, they weren’t just concentrated to the northern sky. By 7:50pm, the Auroras were pretty much lighting up the entire northern sky from east to west and almost straight up overhead. Around 8:45pm the sky really started showing colors and pillars.

Thursday Night (10/10) 8:53pm-9:49pm (G4/KP8-9)

At 8:53pm the Aurora really started to explode, and there were lights all around me! This was stronger than Monday night’s show (G3/KP7), and it was absolutely incredible!!! I was nearly surrounded by the Auroras and could even see them when taking pictures of the southern sky! This event lasted for almost an hour. It was so much fun watching them, especially since several friends had joined me out there. Everyone was so amazed at what was happening!

Thursday Night (10/10) 11:10pm-12:35pm (G4/KP8-9)

The moon was close to setting just after 11pm and another flare up was getting ready. Around 11:10pm the pillars started forming and the lights were dancing! They got really awesome again and this time lasted until 12:35am. The cool thing about this one was the nonstop dancing, which continued the entire time, and it was like watching waves of light go from the ground all the way straight up. It was so awesome! I could see the lights everywhere I looked, with my bare eyes. I just stood there and spun around watching. After this second event was winding down, I thought I’d try my luck at a different location. I stayed out until about 1:45 or so and then called it a night. There wasn’t much going on and I did not feel like waiting for the next event. Plus, I was already over 500 photos for the night!

I really hope you enjoyed the timeline I created for this epic week of Auroras. I thought it would add to the story, to show the progression of the events rather than just putting up a gallery. I had so many photos from the three nights and wanted to break them up as well. This week was one that I’ll never forget! In southern Wisconsin, you are lucky to see the Auroras ever and I’ve seen them 6 times already this year and three times this week alone! I really hope people were able to get out and see them. I put out as much information as I could, on multiple platforms, urging others to go out look for them. This activity should continue through next year, as we are reaching the suns peak solar activity. If you missed them, you should still have plenty of chances to see them. If you would like to follow on your own, check out this website and download the app for your phone, which is only available on the website. Be sure to allow your location to be shared, in order to get alerts. You can also follow along on the NOAA website. I will include the link for that as well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I would love to help you see the Northern Lights!

Glendale App – Worldwide Aurora Alerts (

Aurora Dashboard (Experimental) | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center

10 thoughts on “Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), an Epic Week in Southern Wisconsin 10/6-10/10/24!!!”

  1. Jeremy – your narrative with photos, along with the progression timeline, is incredible!!! You should be featured in some kind of article, if not for SE WI/Wisconsin, then at least for the MKE area!! WOW!!!! Loved all of your shots and details about where you were and what you did to get them. Super spectacular!!

    1. Thanks so much, Joy! I truly appreciate the kind words! I’m glad you really enjoyed the post. Thank you!!!

  2. Absolutely amazing, beautiful and incredible. Your patience pays off when you find the right location. Our world is full of wonders that so many never get to witness. Your photography brings to us. Thank you!

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, I always wonder how many people don’t stop and take the time to enjoy what this world has to offer!

  3. Thanks for sharing! Your photos and story have inspired me to be ready to drive a bit away from the lights next time the alerts come and weather looks promising.

    1. Than you very much! You are welcome! Depending on where you are it’s a short drive. From the SW side of Milwaukee County to just west of Oconomowoc is only 45 minutes, but it’s well worth it versus watching them in Milwaukee, with the terrible light pollution! Good luck!

  4. These pictures are amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to photograph this beautiful sky! And also for sharing them with us!

  5. Beautiful shots! I myself got a few photos as well. I love your narrative and photos of how the lights change and the intensity just blows up! It is such an experience!!! Nice work!!

    1. Thank you very much! I’m really glad you found it as interesting as I did! The experience is like no other!

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