I had an awesome experience with a pair of Barred Owls a couple of weekends ago, in Wautoma. It was near 6pm while walking my brother’s property in Wautoma, when I heard a Barred Owl call, closely to the east. I grabbed my camera out of the truck and waited in the drive, hoping it would come into the yard. Thankfully I had my smaller zoom lens attached from photographing butterflies earlier in the day, because it flew right over my head and landed in the tree overhanging the house. Then out of nowhere, a second one flies in and lands next to it! They started calling back and forth. Several American Crows were close by and heard them calling. They came flying in and were really loud. How they can find the owls so fast is just amazing! One of the owls then flew towards the back of the property and the other flew to the other side of it. The crows surprisingly left them alone in a short time and they met back up in the same tree, above the house. They sat up there for at least 30 minutes or so, before flying off to the Southwest. It was still light enough out, that I was able to manage a few flight shots of them going back and forth. I have never seen that before and it was incredible! Photos below are from 7/19/24. Enjoy!

Wonderful! What a fantastic experience.
Thank you, David! It was very cool!
What a thrill to see these amazing photos! Thanks!
Thank you very much!
Wow – great shots, Jeremy! The one flying at you is spot on – bravo! 🙂
Thank you, Joy! The entire evening watching them was incredible!