Yesterday was my best bird day in my entire life!!! I spent almost 13 hours at Warnimont Park and walked a little over 7.5 miles. I had 141 species and 32 warbler species (including Brewster’s)!!! Bird #141 for the day was a female Blue Grosbeak, a county bird for me. She was feeding high in a tree, near the path in the center of the park. It was early in the evening and the sun was setting, so even though she was high in tree, she was properly lit by the sun. I took 5760 photos yesterday, and it will take some time to get through those, but there are plenty of warbler pictures to come. As of 10am, the Blue Grosbeak was relocated north, closer to the golf course. Maybe there are 2 of them??? Photos below are from yesterday evening. Enjoy!