There have been 2 Hooded Warblers along the bluff, behind the archery range at Warnimont Park. One was still seen today, but was on the golf course, just across from the archery range. I’m guessing the brutal east winds on Wednesday, forced them away from the lake a little. This is one of my favorite warblers and they were just posing for the camera Monday and Tuesday, while I was there. It was hard not to sit and watch them all day, but there was so much else going on too. Every time I would make a pass back and see one, I’d stop an admire a little more! Photos below are from Monday and Tuesday this week. Enjoy!

What Birding area around Geneva Lake do you recommend?
I actually have not done any birding around that area, sorry. I would recommend checking eBird for hotspot locations around that area and see if there is something that interests you.
Jeremy I have really been enjoying your posts in recent days. I wish I could pick a favorite as they are all so awesome from the Hooded, Kentucky, Prairie, Yellow Throated, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Keep that content coming! This time is so fleeting!
Thank you very much Karie! The fallout on Monday and Tuesday were really incredible and something I have not experienced before. I can only hope this spring continues to be awesome.