Last week Saturday (1/20) was an excellent and sad day for Long-eared Owls (LEOW) in Milwaukee County. I found one early in the morning while out. About an hour later, I received a text about one being found at Grant Park, near the feeders. Unfortunately, that one was found dead in the road, presumably from being hit by a car. Shortly after that text, I received a call that two had been seen down by the Milwaukee River Mouth, behind the amphitheater. In the meantime, I was watching a dark morph Rough-legged Hawk (RLHA) in Oak Creek. I got word that one of the LEOW was still being seen down by the amphitheater, so I went to try that. I had heard it was right on the side of the road 6′ off the ground. When I got down there, sure enough, sitting in the sun right on the side of the road. If you didn’t know it was there, you would have drove, walked or ran right past it, as most people did. It is unbelievable how well they blend right to their surroundings! I looked for the second one briefly, without luck. I had heard later in the afternoon, that one of the LEOW was attacked and carried away by a Rough-legged Hawk. That was shocking to me, since I had no idea that a RLHA would even make an attempt at an owl. With temperatures below zero for the week, I’m sure they eat whatever they can get their feet on. I would have preferred one of the 2000 scaup that were out in the water, but that is nature. Photos below are from Saturday, 1/20/24. Enjoy!
Milwaukee River Mouth

SE Milwaukee County

Beautiful shots. Do you know if the collision or predation stemmed from observers having flushed the owls?
Thank you! The owl was found on the side of the road near the feeders. Blood was on top of the bill connecting to the forehead, which suggests a collision. It was found early in the morning, so must have happened at night or very early in the morning. It was taken to Schlitz Audubon.
Incredible!!! You’re such a talented photographer!!
Thank you! That is much appreciated!