These two are stunning! It was an excellent year for both of them. My best day for Northern Parula was on 5/11 at Warnimont Park, when I saw 35. They were everywhere that day! The rising buzzy trill was ringing through the park that day. A very loud song for a small warbler. If, you get to see a Yellow-throated Warbler in Milwaukee County, it’s always a bonus. This spring there were at least 4 of them, with the first sighting at Greenfield Park on 4/20. That bird was very cooperative and seen by many in the birding community. Then on 5/8 another was found at Warnimont Park and a couple days later another at Sheridan Park. On Sunday 5/22, one was seen singing at Whitnall Park, and I think it has been there for some time now. Maybe it will stay there? I grouped these two together because they can interbreed. In this rare case, it is called a Sutton’s Warbler. One of these was seen and photographed in Dane County on 5/6. I almost went out there to see it, and I wish I would have. Oh well, next time… Photos below are from the last month in the Milwaukee area. Enjoy!
Northern Parula

Yellow-throated Warbler

Who doesn’t like to wake up to a new post featuring these two stunners! I absolutely love Northern Parula’s. I saw the Yellow-throated for the first time at Greenfield Park. I couldn’t believe how close he came to us on that wood chip pile. Terrific pics. Thank you.
I agree! I’m just glad that he stuck around awhile for everyone to see. Thank you, you are welcome!
Jeremy, You’re our Birding Hero!
Thank you Sheridan!
I too look forward to these photos! Inspiring. Thanks, Jeremy.
Thank you Dave, I appreciate it!
Stunning indeed, just like every one of the spectacular warbler photos you have shared with us this spring! Thanks!
Thank you very much Tom!