’23 Fall Warbler Migration

Since I’m spending the last two weeks of October in Hawaii, the fall warbler migration is over for me. It turned out to be a very good one, with it starting earlier than normal for me. I had huge numbers of birds beginning very early in August (8/10) through the end of the month. My guess is it had something to do with the wildfires in Canada. I was pretty busy in August, so I had limited chances to get out. Because of this, I missed out on some fall birds, including my favorite, the Canada Warbler. I spent all of my time at Warnimont, Grant, Sheridan and Bender Parks this fall. I ended up with 25 species of warblers this fall. September started off very good for warblers, but then we got some terrible weather patterns for the next few weeks and had one major migration day after that, which I wasn’t available for. I was able get the two late passerines, Pine and Orange-crowned Warblers, just before I left. I would have been upset if I didn’t see either of those. It will be a long, cold winter waiting for the colorful little birds to return. Hopefully the owls cooperate in the cold months! The photos below are from early August through the middle of October, when I left. Fall warblers have so many variations of plumages. I try to capture as many as possible to show what you might see when out. The individual photos are labeled male, female or hatch year, if you click on them. Enjoy!

American Redstart

Bay-breasted Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler

Blackburnian Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

Cape May Warbler

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Connecticut Warbler

Golden-winged Warbler

Magnolia Warbler

Mourning Warbler

Nashville Warbler

Northern Parula

Northern Waterthrush

Orange-crowned Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler (gray-headed sub-species)

Palm Warbler (western)

Pine Warbler

Tennessee Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Fall Warbler Migration 2019

This fall warbler migration was one of my best ones ever! I tallied 26 species with 21 coming on one amazing day, 9/14 at Warnimont Park. Most days I was between 10-16 species, which I find to be a little above average for fall. Most years, I would say 8-12 species is a good day. I usually focus on the parks along the Lake Michigan in fall. I find that the bluffs and surrounding areas are loaded with birds versus the inland parks. My highlights this fall were 6 different Mourning Warblers, including my first ever adult female, several stunning male Golden-winged Warblers, and quite a few different Canada Warblers, which are my favorite.

Photographing fall warblers can be quite tough. The leaves create almost no gaps in the branches and everything is toned green. Lighting is also very harsh, with the sun casting dark shadows, under the foliage. It’s certainly not like the spring migration! All that aside, fall warblers are extremely fun. You get to see so many different plumage variations of each. I have quite a few photos of each warbler, showing the different fall plumages. All of the photos below are labelled accordingly, so you will know what each is. I will list the warblers seen this fall below, which you can click on, for expanded galleries. Not all warblers seen, were photographed. Enjoy!