This bird has been seen for at least a week at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve. I finally had a chance to try for it today. I started out walking the path east from the building towards the gravel road… nothing. Then I walked down the gravel road to the bend and back up and found some bird activity. There were sparrows, juncos, cardinals and chickadees, but no towhees. So I continued back towards the building and went south on the trail, near the pond, which wrapped back around into the gravel road, still nothing. Since the only place that had birds was the gravel road, on the north side of the bluff, I decided to focus on that area. I walked along the top of the bluff and about 100′ from Lake Bluff Dr (private road), I saw something larger pop up into some thicket. I could see some movement, so threw up my binocs and tried to maneuver through all the branches. That was it, life bird!!! Very poor view but could clearly tell what it was. The white spots are very obvious and stand out. He flew to north and into a thick shrub. I got positioned better and waited. I was rewarded with a solid minute of him sitting in the open on a branch, before he went down to the ground and started foraging, typical towhee style. I tried getting a better view, but he must’ve heard me and flew back into the shrub. I walked backwards, and around until I realized I was really close to the private drive, so walked out to that and waited. That’s when I saw a female Eastern Towhee. They were foraging together under the bush and I had never seen her until now. I kept waiting, hoping they would come out for better views, but they never did. She flew right across the drive into a pine tree and he followed closely behind. They both went down to the ground, right on the side of the road, underneath the tree near a fence. I was only 20′ from them! I continued watching them as they moved about, and they moved into the next yard over. They would forage for awhile and then he would chase her. She always stayed hidden and he would be in the open. They again flew back across road to the area where I originally found. His actions seemed like courtship to me, but its fall, not spring. I never did get a photo of her. In the meantime, the resident there walked out and down the private drive to the mail box, on the main road. On his way back he asked if I found anything interesting? So I explained it all to him and he thought it was very cool! He told me I could walk around his yard if I wanted and his neighbors aren’t currently there, so I could go into their yard as well! I thought wow how nice, thanked him and continued on. I walked down Country Club Rd, all the way down, because earlier a guy told me he saw a mockingbird near a specific address. I didn’t see it though, probably because I spent over an hour watching the towhees. Overall an excellent day to be out hiking, with sun shining and temps in the 40’s! Photos below are from today. Enjoy!
White-winged Crossbills in Ozaukee County 10/30/20

I stopped by Forest Beach Migratory Preserve on 10/27 and was able to see the crossbills in the afternoon. I only saw them for a short time and got just a few doc shots. They were a life bird for me that day, so I was still excited. I think I had 30 or so. I was off on Friday 10/30 and thought I would try for them again, and hopefully get some decent photos. I walked the path back and found them almost right away. I setup and started taking pictures. They flew almost immediately. This time though, there were at least 45 of them. I watched them land and headed over to the next group of trees. Again I setup and started taking pictures, and again they flew almost right away. Now, I always wear camo and don’t have anything really flashy with me, trying to always blend in. I was thinking these birds sure are skittish! I watched them fly away and land in a few trees over, so I packed up and went over there. I setup and and took one photo and off they flew again! I couldn’t believe it, not sure why they were so jumpy. This time they looped around me and went to the southwest, so I had to walk all the way around them to get the sun back on my backside. This time I decided to turn my camera shutter on silent (6fps), instead of the normal (10fps), and see if my shutter noise was spooking them, although I can’t imagine it was. It worked though! Either coincidence or my shutter was really too loud for them. From then on, I followed them around tree to tree and back to previous trees, eating seeds and throwing pine cones around, without spooking them. They would eat in a tree anywhere from five to fifteen minutes. Then move on to the next. They flew all over the preserve and even went all the way south, to the line of trees along County Hwy P. From there, they went to the marsh area, just south of the parking lot and all went down for water. They sure move around quite a bit! I spent several hours there and took over 1500 photos, trying to get some nice behavior shots. All photos are from Friday 10/30. Enjoy!