Summer & Scarlet Tanagers at Warnimont Park

Summer Tanagers are quite uncommon for Milwaukee, although I usually see one each year. This past week however, there were 3 at Warnimont Park, all molting males! So beautiful with the mixture of red and greenish yellow. They were feeding along the bluff on spider webs, that had caught midges in them. As of today, 5/1 there was still one being seen at the southern end of the park, by the Kelly Senior Center. This week also brought in early Scarlet Tanagers as well. They are common in the area but are usually high up in the trees, therefore tough to photograph. This week however, they were on the ground or at eye level. There were at least 3 of them too! Two males and a female. These three were also doing the same, feeding in the spider webs that were loaded with midges. Funny to watch both species having the same feeding behavior. A real treat to see these birds so close! Photos below are from this past week. Enjoy!