This is very large photo post, with the all the places I stopped and photographed shorebirds, this spring. The birds are labelled, if you are unsure of one, just click on them. In Milwaukee County, there wasn’t any rain or habitat for shorebirds in May, everything dried up the last week of April. The only spots that had any were the lakefront beaches, which is fairly common, but usually sporadic. Highlights include American Avocets and Willets at LSSP, Short-billed Dowitchers and Ruddy Turnstones at Grant Park, and of course Horicon National Wildlife Refuge (Auto Tour) with just about everything you can expect to see, plus a few extras this year. I had great looks at a Red Knot (rare), both Red-necked and Wilson’s Phalaropes, Dunlin and White-rumped Sandpipers. It started off rather slow this year, but got really good the last week of May. There have been a decent amount of the common ones still showing up along the lakefront beaches in Milwaukee this past holiday weekend (5/29-5/31). All Photos were taken this spring and labelled at the appropriate places. Enjoy!

Lakeshore State Park, Milwaukee County 2021

Grant Park, Milwaukee County 2021

Horicon National Wildlife Refuge (Auto Tour), Dodge County 2021

Hwy KK and Hwy H flooded field, Ozaukee County 2021

Vernon Marsh, Waukesha County 2021

10 thoughts on “Wisconsin Spring Shorebird Migration 2021”

  1. Great Series Jeremy. I noticed the angle of some of your fantastic photo looks like you were laying on the ground. Great perspective!

    1. Thank you Myles! Yes, with shorebirds I always try to get as low as possible. I think that point of view makes the difference, between great and good in those photos.

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