A Black-legged Kittiwake was found on 12/8 in the Port Washington Harbor. The first chance I had to go was on Saturday, 12/10. Of course, it was overcast and misting out when I arrived, which then turned into a full-on light rain. It was fairly dark with a low ceiling, terrible for photography. I stuck it out and watched the gull fly around the harbor, usually on the west side, hunting for alewives. I observed it catch several alewives and then get chased by Ring-billed or Herring Gulls. A couple of times it flew off to the east and disappear for 15-30 minutes, but then it would suddenly reappear, flying over the harbor. I also watched it land in the middle of the harbor, out towards the east. It would loaf around with the Red-breasted Mergansers and then head back in. This is a very cool bird to watch, especially with its markings in flight. This gull is rare for the area, so I was glad it hung around for several days. According to eBird, it was last seen on 12/17. Photos below are from the morning of 12/10. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Black-legged Kittiwake in Port Washington 12/10/22”

  1. The conditions were poor, but you dealt quite well with them, because these photos are great. It’s amazing how you got such sharp, clear photos of the bird in flight. I went to Coal Dock Park today and saw only one Herring Gull. I guess the fish aren’t there this year.

  2. Thank you very much Tom! I took over 1000 photos and maybe ended up with 35 or so worth keeping, which is why I take so many. I’m sure the crazy warm temps don’t help with the gulls either.

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