This morning a Blue Grosbeak was found singing along the path at Warnimont Park. I had just gotten to the golf course and figured might as well just head over there instead. In the meantime, someone had also seen a female. Wow, a pair in suitable habitat! That would be very exciting if they stayed there to breed. When I got there, I was walking around the prairie area and not hearing or seeing either of them. I made it to the northern side of the prairie and saw a warm brown bird fly into the evergreen. I thought that could be it, but there were so many Brown-headed Cowbirds in the area. I got my binoculars on it and sure enough, a female Blue Grosbeak! She sat in the open for a few minutes and then went down in the shrubs. I walked back to the bluff edge and circled around to the south, walking back out to the asphalt path. As I approached the path, I looked to my left and saw a darker bird in a medium height tree. It shifted slightly and I saw a hint of blue. I knew right away what it was, so I circled back around so that the sun was at my back. It popped up higher into the next tree and started singing. I watched sing for about 5 minutes and some cowbirds were kind of harassing it. Eventually, it flew to the NW. I walked over there, and it moved about singing at the treetops. It almost seemed like he was searching for the female. He went down the side of the bluff, chased a few House Sparrows and flew back up, into the prairie and continued to sing. At that point, he provided me some excellent views, best I’ve ever had of this species. He then disappeared for a short time, but eventually was back in the larger tree near the path. Another spring day and another rarity. This week has been incredible for me so far. Hopefully it continues. Photos below are from this morning, 5/3. Enjoy!

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