A pair of Evening Grosbeaks have been coming to the Grant Park feeders since Sunday morning. They seem to be very specific though. They arrive between 7:30-8:00 a.m., and then take awhile to decide whether or not to come down. They eat for several minutes, fly off, and do not coming back for the rest of the day. I skipped out of work for about an hour on Monday morning, but never saw them. I again tried for an hour or so on Tuesday afternoon and didn’t see them either. So, I figured I would head out and try again today, before throwing the turkey on the smoker. I got there about 7:10 a.m. and waited around… and around… and around… They finally showed about 7:55 a.m.! It took about 10 minutes for them to fly down to the feeder. I almost left too, because I didn’t think they were coming and knew I needed to get the turkey on. Today was different than the previous four days, because around 11:30 a.m. they showed up again, but this time there was 4! All of them were females. They do call when flying and sitting in the trees, so hopefully they can attract a male or two! Photos below are from today. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving… I DID!!!

2 thoughts on “Evening Grosbeaks at Grant Park, Thanksgiving Day 2020”

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