This spring so many warblers have looked directly at me while photographing them. I will get them like that occasionally, but not like this year. It has been all of the warbler species too, not just a few of them. I’m not sure if they see the huge front element on my lens, that reflects back at them or if they hear the camera shutter clicking 10 frames per second. Either way I’ve found it to be quite funny how the photos turn out. Something different than seeing the normal profile picture. Photos below are from the last few weeks in the Milwaukee area. Enjoy!

18 thoughts on “Who’s taking my picture???”

  1. Amazing so many beautiful birds! I would love to see a Canada Warbler. Great shots Jeremy!

  2. Hahaha! I love it! Great images. My mind keeps conjuring up Robert Deniro from Taxi Driver – “you talking to me”? I especially love image 28 of the Northern Parula. It cracks me up. Whenever I see frontal poses like this in my own images it reminds me of “Angry Birds”. Thanks for the chuckles and great images. How fun!!!

    1. Yes Angry Birds for sure. I was cracking up when going through the 30k+ photos I’ve taken so far and kept seeing this pose. I decided to throw them into a separate folder and see how many I had at the end. I was quite amazed at how many there were. Thank you very much Karie!

  3. WOW! You got some fairly hard to photo warblers as well in this mix. A few of these guys are hard to see for a few seconds, before they quickly move back under cover, but you even have them looking right at You. Nice work.

  4. You are so crazy good with your camera. These are amazing shots! I absolutely love your photography work. When are you going to teach a class?!?!?!

    1. Thank you so much Anna, I appreciate it! It’s a lot of memory, knowing your equipment extremely well and being able to apply settings on the go! I am so familiar with my camera, that I can change settings while shooting, without looking! I still mess up plenty of times though…

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